Domestic Violence
Once the police become involved in a domestic case, it is important to have an attorney advocating for you and protecting your rights. Charles E. Douglas offers aggressive criminal defense representation to clients charged with domestic violence in the central Oklahoma area including Norman and its’ surrounding communities.Contact Charles E. Douglas, domestic violence defense attorney for a free consultation. 405.329.2300.In many instances, neither party involved in a domestic dispute actually intended for the police to arrive at their home or for anyone to be arrested. The police may have been called in the midst of an escalated fight, out of spite, or by concerned neighbors. However, once the police are called, a report must be filed and the case is almost always handed over to the district attorney's office for the possible filing of charges.Domestic violence includes assault, threats, battery, or causing or threatening physical harm to an individual in a close relationship. Domestic violence may involve harm to the following: Spouse Former spouse Girlfriend/boyfriend Cohabitants Domestic partners Parent
Minimizing the Impact of Domestic ViolenceCharles E. Douglas understands the difficult situations his clients have been suddenly placed in. They are often forced out of the home, incapable of spending time with their children, and face negative stigmas at work, with family or friends, or with the neighbors. Charles E. Douglas uses his experience and persuasive negotiating skills to try and mitigate domestic violence charges.In Oklahoma, domestic violence charges can be pursued even if the alleged victim does not want the charges to be filed. Because the prosecutor is the only person with the power to file, not file or dismiss a domestic violence case, it is crucial to work with the prosecutor to resolve a case. Charles E. Douglas is highly respected by prosecutors, judges, and other court professionals. In addition, he works to obtain the support of the individual alleging the crime. Combined with his ability to negotiate with prosecutors, this support has proved to be an effective method to avoid the filing of charges, to get charges dismissed, reduced, or otherwise resolved.If you have been arrested for child abuse, spousal battery, or other domestic abuse, you should consult an attorney right away to discuss your rights and defense strategy. Contact domestic violence attorney Charles E. Douglas today for a free initial consultation. 405.329.2300.